National Coalition of Clergy & Laity

Dedicated to action for genuine restoration

For going-on five decades the Coalition has assisted Catholics — in concrete, practical ways — to persevere in the Catholic Faith, practice true devotion to Mary and strive for holiness in these troubled times. The humble NCCL apostolate counsels and cooperates with Catholics from different countries, in all walks of life.

Pilgrimage for Restoration

Come to Restore. The Rest Will Come.

A traditional walking pilgrimage from the Lake of the Blessed Sacrament
at Lake George Village, NY to the Shrine of Our Lady’s Martyrs of New France
at Auriesville, NY.

Together with the Sacred Chaplaincy, the Directorate, as well as the Company of St. René Goupîl, and numerous other volunteers organize the annual Pilgrimage for Restoration.

Join the Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage without the Travel
Company of St. René Goupîl
Year founded

Operation Mission Stipends

Some give by going.
Others go by giving.
Operation Mission Stipends

You can help Catholic missionaries in You can help Catholic missionaries in faraway East Africa and Eastern Europe by donating Mass stipends.

Missionary priests are like a ‘spiritual marine corps’ — the few, the humble — who labor in the Mystical Body, the Church, at the forefront of the spiritual warfare. Missionary, not mercenary, they risk all for Christ, winning Him souls, asking nothing for themselves.

These courageous priests, known to NCCL for years, work daily under dangerous, life-threatening conditions, amidst Muslims and fervent anti-Catholics, offering their labors also for your salvation. Among the poorest of the poor, they lack stable, reliable income to support themselves, let alone the basic material needs for those who depend on them. Your generous donation to them will go a long way to help spread the Gospel and the Kingdom.

NCCL sends to the Priests 100% of the stipends collected. In turn, they offer the Holy Sacrifice according to one of the traditional Catholic Liturgies (holy Mass in the Ethiopian/Ge’ez, Constantinopolitan, or Roman rites) for the intentions of the giver’ – e.g. your loved ones, living and deceased — in faraway East Africa and Eastern Europe by donating Mass stipends.

Nota bene: All Liturgies, East and West, are celebrated in traditional Catholic rites — in the case of the Western Roman Mass, in the Forma Extraordinaria — the Missal of 1962.

Why Look East?

Discover the Treasures of the Catholic Church of the East
Learn More about Looking East

Donate to Looking East

“Looking East”  is a work of charity guided by the light of the Roman Magisterium (since Pope Leo XIII in particular), regarding the life & role of the astern Church in the Catholic Church.

By “Looking East” Catholics, especially of the West will learn the importance of the Eastern Church, that it is an essential part of the holy Catholic Church, and why.

For to Look East is to rediscover what is held in common East & West, and thus to come to know the criterion for what truly is catholic and orthodox — to believe precisely what is confessed by the holy Church, instead of a substitute confessionalism.

Because dogmatic formulation and, to a degree, the formulation of sacred liturgy and the birth of consecrated life took place in the Christian East, we ought to allow perspectives, choices, decisionset ceterato be guided by what is common to the Christian East & the Christian West.

Looking East helps Western Christians to support existing schools, seminaries, and centers of study (or cultural preservation), and to collaborate to establish new ones for & with Eastern Christians in their native lands or wherever their communities now concentrate.

We also hope to continue helping Eastern Christians to avoid or overcome the same errors and spiritual diseases of the current crisis of Faith and culture that have afflicted the members of the Western Catholic churches.